die KFactory-Plattform

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The Romanian startup KFactory is involved in reducing carbon footprint by launching the Green Virtual Engineer

Reducing carbon emissions is a major global concern


Bucharest, August 17th, 2021 – KFactory is the first startup Industry 4.0 financed in Romania, which aims to innovate the operational processes in the manufacturing companies by understanding how the resources involved directly and indirectly are influencing their performance.


Reducing carbon emissions is a major global concern, with climate change and the impact in quality of life visible on all continents. An ambitious programme at the European Union level is “Fit for 55” which proposes a set of actions aiming to reduce the carbon footprint by 55% by 2030, one of the consequences being a greater responsibility for manufacturing companies in monitoring and reducing carbon emissions.

What is The Green Virtual Engineer


KFactory launches the Green Virtual Engineer, part of its innovative digital platform – Das Team virtueller Ingenieure, dedicated to carbon footprint sources monitoring directly from the factory, and by using artificial intelligence will be able to recommend best practices for reducing emissions, in the context of optimization of the operational processes. The Green Virtual Engineer will be available starting this autumn for all companies that aims to implement actions to monitor and reduce carbon footprint.


Through this innovative component of its digital platform, KFactory will help manufacturing companies to meet the new criteria imposed by the new regulations at European Union level.

“We know that the added value for manufacturing companies will be higher”


“We are already in the middle of manufacturing companies, a major source of carbon emissions, which need help in implementing the new rules and regulations. The technology we provide will allow our customers to comply with the new regulations, and we will continue to optimize the performance of operational processes: production, maintenance, supply chain and quality” said Adrian Dima, co-founder of KFactory.  


“The leaders of industrialized countries are giving increasingly strong messages about the need to reduce carbon footprint.  KFactory, through its innovative digital platform, is already into the position to help current and potential customers.  As our plans include our expansion to Western Europe and USA, we know that the added value for manufacturing companies will be higher. ” said Vlad Cazan, co-founder of KFactory.


The four digital products with high value for manufacturing companies

KFactory is a digital SaaS automation platform (software as a service) of operational processes that includes four digital products with high value for manufacturing companies from any industrial sector:


  1. KFactory Core, a digital product dedicated to data collection directly from the production line, understanding and optimizing the production process through real-time and context analysis.
  2. KFactory Analytics, a tool for complex visual analysis of historical data in production.
  3.  KFactory Knowledge, which applies machine learning algorithms to identify and classify production trends.
  4. The Team of Virtual Engineers, a highly innovative product, dedicated for tracking and optimizing the operational processes in production, maintenance, supply chain and quality.

KFactory plans a new investment round


Soon, KFactory will also include an e-learning platform that will provide factory employees with continuous access to industry best practices, digitalization resources and internal process compliance.  


To continue the exponential growth of 2021, the KFactory team plans a new investment round towards the end of this year. The team is actively looking for potential investors who will join the current investors, already committed to participate into this new round. The second investment round will take place in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and USA, respectively for software platform development acceleration.


About KFactory


KFactory is the first startup Industry 4.0 financed in Romania, which innovate, automates, and optimizes the operational processes in the manufacturing industry. The Romanian start-up integrates new technologies such as IIoT and Machine Learning into the manufacturing process, turning a classic process into a new one, in which industrial equipment, orders, operators and support teams are actors in a well-orchestrated digital process, while providing an affordable monthly subscription (SaaS) model.


Also KFactory has a territorial presence both in Romania and internationally, in Portugal, DACH area and United States of America, and as short-term development strategy is considering an increased international presence.

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