die KFactory-Plattform


About KFactory - the pioneer factory digitalisation company

KFactory Logo
We left aside all our previous successes. We brought together all our professional experience, plans and resources to build a new beginning. We integrated our ambition (passion) for change (disruption), our expertise in manufacturing and our digital inventiveness, to produce comprehensive and coherent solutions.
Wir wissen von uns selbst - und das haben wir in jeder Entwicklungsphase bewiesen - dass wir ehrgeizig sind, Integrität besitzen und den Mut haben, neue und revolutionäre Lösungen für uns und unsere Kunden zu entwickeln, um die Zukunft und Innovation dorthin zu bringen, wo Veränderung und Fortschritt am dringendsten benötigt werden.
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Unser Start-up hat in allen entscheidenden Momenten Durchhaltevermögen bewiesen, Herausforderungen gemeistert und seine Ziele kompromisslos verfolgt, immer auf der Suche nach Innovationen in einer konservativen Branche. Während unseres gesamten Wachstums haben wir unseren Führungsanspruch geltend gemacht, um die Punkte zwischen Daten und Prozessen zu verbinden und einen Mehrwert für unsere Kunden zu schaffen.

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We reinvent ourselves every day because our aim is to connect people with technology so that the companies they work in become efficient and sustainable. Our mission is to fully develop and commercialize a competitive portfolio of Industry 4.0 digital solutions for different purposes such as overall equipment efficiency, IT&OT integration, fulfilling the Manufacturing companies’ standards and regulation. We want to inspire teams to unlock their true potential, through transparency and understanding data and processes.

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Our vision is to become a globally recognized brand for deep tech Industry 4.0 solutions for advanced manufacturing, as well as the catalysts of irreversible digital transformation of operational processes. We want to make a big difference in society by working with the right people to solve the problem of climate change.

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Adrian Dima, cofounder of KFactory
Adrian DIMA, Co-founder & Product Lead
Vlad Cazan
Vlad CAZAN, Co-founder & Sale Lead


Cristian Negruțiu Sparking


Cristian Herghelegiu Dendrio


Dragos METEA

Dragoș METEA

Valentin FIilip - Fortech Investments

Valentin FILIP



Industries all around the globe are turning greener and adopting more sustainable solutions as part of the fight against climate change. All of this is a result of the desire to make societies that are more sustainable and produce less CO2 as well as the global green transition, which is an international effort to reach net zero. Our solutions are intended to be one of the main participants in this movement. KFactory is well-positioned to assist manufacturing organizations in the shift to more sustainable practices and lessen their environmental effect thanks to our extensive expertise and cutting-edge technologies.

Unser KFactory-Team wächst schnell.

We need ambitious people who will grow with us. People curious enough to innovate better ways of doing things. People adaptable to change yet dynamic enough to lead that change.

If you want to take the opportunity to be part of this great team, please share your resume at office@kfactory.eu.


Werden Sie Teil des KFactory Partner Programms

Wir sind davon überzeugt, dass kollaborative Partnerschaften der Schlüssel zur digitalen Transformation sind und Ergebnisse und Innovationen vorantreiben
We work with